Stay connected to your customers, no matter what

Stay connected
to your customers, no matter what

In an uncertain economic climate, consumers demand empathetic, accessible brands that they can rely on. Brands, now more than ever, need to earn the trust and win the loyalty of their customers. iAdvize offers an online experience that is humanized, innovative, and flexible enough to meet the new budgetary constraints that many brands are currently facing.

Conversational platform: Flexible, Intelligent, Human

Reach more visitors through Messaging

Reach more visitors through Messaging

With more than 5 billion users, messaging is the best, and most cost-effective solution for remaining close to your customers.


increase in messaging use in countries most affected by the coronavirus*

*source: Facebook, March 2020

Offer a human experience

Offer a human experience

Maintain the human connection with your customers, no matter the distance, with iAdvize.


increase in conversations handled by the ibbü expert community on our platform during COVID-19

*beginning of March to mid-April 2020

Optimize your efficiency with Artificial Intelligence

Optimize your efficiency with Artificial Intelligence

Automate parts of your online conversations to tackle high volumes of contacts, and improve productivity with our platform.

More than


of partial or complete conversations held through chatbot* compared with 20% before the crisis

*the week of April 20, 2020

Learn from your conversations through analytics

Learn from your conversations through analytics

iAdvize collects and analyzes data from millions of online conversations. Stay informed with your customers’ concerns in real-time so you can make the best decisions now.

60 million

messages exchanged via iAdvize since the beginnig of COVID-19*

*end of May 2020

adapted to new challenges

Get familiar with the most current trends with our analyses and customer case studies.

Speedy deployment for crisis management

2 hours : to train agents training via elearning

Launch a conversational platform to assist more than 5 million clients in 24 hrs
Video Call: the experience that makes all the difference

Nearly 1/4 of consumers will continue to increase their video conferencing post-COVID

“Video was an essential channel in maintaining our activity”
Automation: for handling high volumes of queries

50% of conversations completely or partially automated during COVID-19

A chatbot deployed in 24 hr on to handle 5x more questions
Messaging: for call deflection and increasing productivity

15s delays in first response times despite 3x more conversations

Le Petit Vapoteur
Le Petit Vapoteur moved its customer service reps online and earned 60 pts in NPS
Expert communities: a flexible solution during peak traffic periods

More than 100 experts deployed in 6 days for one of our clients

Customer case study: an eMerchant doubles its community receiving a CSAT post-chat above 85%
Optimize online sales through messaging

16,5%: post-chat conversion rate in the Consumer Products sector the 1st week of the lockdown

one household appliance brand achieved a post-chat conversion rate of 20% during COVID-19
Increase efficiency and manage costs through Messaging

22 contacts/hr and 86.9% CSAT: performances of one of the most productive agent on iAdvize in May 2020

Increase efficiency and manage costs through Messaging
Deploy sales force online to boost turnover

+61% increase in the average basket after a conversation

One sports brand redeployed 400 sales staff on the iAdvize platform during COVID-19
Stay close to customers to adjust your strategy

1/4 of all questions were related to delivery or cancellation in April 2020 for our high-tech clients

Leroy Merlin
Leroy Merlin rolled out a strategy based on reassurance through a mix of agents + bots
A flexible offer, without commitment

A flexible offer, without commitment

Covid-19 introduced a period of uncertainty and created new constraints for businesses. They must show agility and use flexible solutions. iAdvize responds to these challenges with:

  • A no-commitment offer, regardless of volume
  • Deployment in 24 hours
  • The on-demand community of ibbü experts, selected and deployed by iAdvize in just a few days, to strengthen your teams of online agents.
Show me more about the iAdvize offer
Want to see the platform’s solutions in action?
Just ask for a demo

Contact us

+44 (0) 203 445 0904