Rich Content Is...
Rich content refers to the use of different media formats, like sound, video, or images, in a piece of content for the purpose of enhancing its message and encouraging viewer engagement and interaction. An example of this is including emojis or gifs in an instant messaging conversation.
From Emails to Multi-Channel Strategies
The 1960s witnessed the birth of emails and, by extension, marked the beginning of digital conversations. Technological advances have greatly expanded our ability to communicate digitally since then, and as a result have also increased the number of rich content at our disposal.
We can now add a variety of different types of content to illustrate what we want to say--images, PDF documents, GIFs, emojis, videos, infographics, podcasts. All of these different types of rich content help us get our messages across and more accurately communicate what we would like to say.
Conversational Experiences as Rich as They are Human
As consumer behaviors evolve in an increasingly digital world, brands must be accessible across all possible communication channels. With the multitude of communication opportunities at their disposal--messaging apps, live chat, social media networks, video chat, phone--web users expect instant connection with their favorite brands and responses that feel authentic and personable at every step of their shopping journey. Rich content can be a powerful tool for enhancing your digital communication and providing user experiences that feel as conversational as talking with friends or family.
Learn how top brands, like Samsung, are incorporating rich content tactics into their customer experience strategies to build world-class customer service operations fit for the modern consumer.